Years from now I want to read this and remember the wave of childish happiness that colored my day.
Years ago my grandfather gave me all his collection of "Science" issues as a birthday present, and the deal was that I will get every new issue as well. For a girl who was -still is- totally in love with science, this was an amazing present.
It was also an extra bit of magic to the special bond I have with my amazing grandfather. He the worldly respected Academic Mustafa Soueif, me his grand daughter taking her first steps as a scientist.
Now this morning I find my name mentioned in the editorial of this month's issue:
Not only that but the writer of the editorial is the amazing Mary Claire who has majorly contributed to the field of genetics and yes to breast cancer which coincidentally happens to be my chosen field of work as well :)
The past 2 years have changed me, this new pseudo-lawyer character I've discovered in me was a pleasant surprise, and my work with Nomiltrials makes me feel like I have finally done something to be proud of, but Science is still where my real passion is. With everything that's been happening, with all the horror we endured, the deaths we witnessed and the victories we lived, it's there in the lab that I feel truly at home, and it's there with my cells and micro pipettes that I feel unspoiled joy :)
This is a magical gift to the younger Me. ofcourse the present Me is way more greedy, now dreaming that one day I will be cited in there for my scientific achievements.
Who knows! :)
I wish you all the best Mona. You've done a lot and you deserve to be happy. :)
ردحذفI wish you all the best Mona. You've done a lot and you deserve to be happy. :)
6.دهب تمدك بأفضل الكفاءات التى تدفع عملك للأمام. لا تعرض مشروعك وعملك لمخاطر أخطاء المبتدئين وعديمى الخبرة. العمالة المصرية هى الأفضل والأمهر ونحن نوفر لك منها كل ما تريد. ابتداءاً من العامل إلى أكبر خبرات ، دهب تتكاتف من أجل مساعدتك. دهب تعمل معك دعماً ومساندةً فى كل خطوة. دهب .. الإختيار الأمثل للوصول للقمة.
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ردحذفमैंने इस कहानी और आपके कई अन्य संपादकीय पढ़े हैं जिन्हें आपने अन्य प्लेटफार्मों पर प्रकाशित किया है और में कह सकता हूं कि आप अन्य लेखकों से अलग हैं।
ردحذفमेरा ब्लॉग : हिंदी आवेदन