الأحد، يناير ٠٣، ٢٠١٠

Once upon a time

Life is essentially disappointing.
I feel strange , a feeling of deep longing tugs at my heart . I can not explain it.
I'll always wonder about the lost chances, these undiscovered worlds I have turned my back to, those people I shall never meet.
I'll always wonder about the "might have been "s
At one point in the past I had many possibilities stretching before my eyes. At one point the magic was all mine because I had the power to create infinite plots for my future .

Feb. 2009

هناك تعليقان (٢):

  1. Ma3toota,
    i love the phrasing...
    every time my mind wanders and i think the way you just did... i try to think in the opposite way..

    dont know if you've ever read this.. or even if it's relative.. take a look when you feel like it though:

